Candidate and political organization financial reports, 1972-2010.


Candidate and political organization financial reports, 1972-2010.

Consists of Federal Election Commission candidate and political organization registration forms, correspondence, and lists of contributors to state and federal elections. Later accessions consist of AFFIDAVIT OF CANDIDACY/REGISTRATION/STATEMENT OF INTERESTS/CERTIFICATE OF ENDORSEMENT/CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION REPORT OF CANDIDATE contains documents filed by a candidate running for office. It includes an affidavit and political committee registration by the candidate. A statement of interest by the candidate which records their name, address, office running for, a list of any organizations associated with, financial information, and information on their spouse. A certificate of endorsement endorses the candidate by their political party. A campaign contribution report contains a record of receipts and contributions. PAC & FEC REPORTS contains the reports of receipts and disbursements and financial disclosure statements from state and federal political action committees and the FEC reports for Presidential candidates. July 13, 2007 accession is 1 foot of record control number 800334 from 1992-2006. July 28, 2008 accession consists of record control numbers 800334 dating from 1999 to 2008 1 ft and 800335 dating from 1998 to 2005 1 ft, for a combined total volume of 2 ft, located at end of collection in boxes 76 and 77. September 8, 2009 accession consists of .20 ft of State Senate & House Candidates year end reports for 2008, located in box 77. January 5, 2010 accession consists of the 2000-2008 AFFIDAVIT OF CANDIDACY/REGISTRATION/STATE files for Federal & State Candidates, .25 ft, files located in box 78. January 10, 2011 accession consists of 2 feet of the following record control numbers 800334 1996-2010 1 ft and 800335 1998-2010 1 ft, accession is located in boxes 78, 79 and 80.

40.45 cubic ft.

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

North Dakota. Dept. of State. (corporateBody)

United States. Federal Election Commission (corporateBody)